But through strong and principled diplomacy, the United States of America will do our part on behalf of a world of greater peace, security, and cooperation among nations. 但是,美利坚合众国将通过有力和有原则的外交,为了世界更大的和平、安全及国家间合作而作出我们的努力。
We hope that the Expo will present to the world a true and objective insight into dynamic China, a China that stands for peaceful development and mutual benefit achieved through cooperation among all nations. 中国期待通过世博会,展现一个全面、客观、真实、充满活力的中国,展现一个坚持和平发展、谋求互利共赢、倡导和谐合作的中国。
An unprecedented cooperation is developing among nations so that earth scientists will no longer look at our planet in the old, fragmented way. 一项空前的合作正在各国间展开,从此以后地球科学家们再也不需要用陈旧和零敲碎打的方式来研究我们所在的行星了。
And more broadly, we need to foster cooperation and respect among all nations and peoples. 在更广泛的层次上,我们需要增进在所有国家和人民之间的合作与尊重。
Partnership and cooperation among nations is not a choice; it is the one way, the only way, to protect our common security and advance our common humanity. 国家之间的夥伴关系与合作并非一种选择,而是一种方法&唯一保护我们共同安全和提高共同人性的方法。
For peace, security, cooperation and closer relations among nations of europe; 促进欧洲各国间的和平、安全、合作与更密切的关系;
All countries should promote mutual understanding and trust through dialogue and cooperation, and seek the settlement of divergences and disputes among nations through peaceful means. --各国应通过对话与合作增进相互了解与信任,谋求以和平方式解决国家间的分歧和争端。
We reinforce pushing forward in our own marketplace, simultaneously, pursuing cooperation among nations actively, and by now, we have set up agent selling system in USA, Japan, Thailand and so on. 我们加强自身市场推进的同时,积极寻求国际合作,现已分别在美国、日本、泰国等建立了代理销售体系;
The biotechnology strategy calls for cooperation among African nations in specific regions to bolster research in different fields of research according to regional strength. 报告中的生物技术战略呼吁在非洲国家之间在特定领域加强合作,促进在不同领域根据区域优势进行研究。
STRENGTHEN the special bonds of friendship and cooperation among their nations; 加强彼此间的友好合作纽带关系;
Counter-terrorism efforts become an important item of cooperation among Southeast Asian nations, and between ASEAN countries and the United States. 反恐怖主义活动也成为东南亚国家间合作关系,和亚细安成员国及美国合作关系中的重要项目。
But for the dilemma of collective action, its hard to achieve the necessary level that its needed in the cooperation among the nations. 但由于集体行动困境的存在,又使得这种国家间的合作很难达到实际需要的水平。
The key to penalize the crime of international terrorism is to form the international convention of anti-terrorism and strengthen cooperation among nations within the framework of global safety. 惩治国际恐怖主义犯罪,关键是制定统一的反恐怖主义犯罪的国际公约以及在国际集体安全框架下进一步加强国家间的合作。
The basic essence of coalition and self-improvement lies on the reinforcement of solidarity and cooperation among the African nations, putting into play the overall strength of Africa, solving Africa's own problems, and achieving African rejuvenation. 联合自强的基本精神在于,加强非洲国家的团结和合作,发挥非洲整体力量,解决非洲自身问题,实现非洲振兴。
China today has declared its determination of peaceful developing, and Confucianism, after getting rid of some dregs, will surely be helpful in promoting multilateral cooperation among nations in the world. 今天的中国已经表达了和平发展的决心,剔除了糟粕的儒家文化将更有助于推动世界的多边合作。
Economy globalization has brought one after another wave of economic revolution, while the economic cooperation among nations has been strengthened. 经济全球化带动了一波又一波经济革命的浪潮,国与国之间的经济合作越来越紧密。
In the modern world, the basic forms of communication and cooperation among the nations are dialogues, but not the confrontations. 当今世界,国与国之间交流与合作的基本形式是对话,而不是对抗。
However, the neo-liberalists and constructivists insist the international institution should maintain cooperation among the nations and serves for common benefits of whole states. 新自由制度主义及建构主义认为,国际制度是用来保护国家间合作的,是为实现共同利益服务的。
How to improve the cross-cultural communication, promote mutual understanding, and enhance cooperation among nations are becoming the focus points. 如何推动世界各国之间的跨文化交流、促进各民族相互理解、提升全球范围的合作共赢也越来越成为人们关注的焦点。
These changes not only provide new opportunities and driving force for the promotion of healthy interactions and cooperation among nations, but also demand all the countries to readjust their development and diplomatic strategy. 这一方面为各国增进良性互动和加强合作提供了新的动力和契机,同时也向各国提出了调整本国发展战略和外交战略的迫切要求。
The Concept of "Harmonious World" has conformed to the contemporary tendency which lays stress on pursuing peace, seeking development and promoting cooperation in that it attaches great importance to the enduring peace and sharing development among different nations. 和谐世界理念顺应了当今世界求和平、谋发展、促合作的时代潮流,特别重视不同国家之间的持久和平与共同发展。
With the development of economic globalization, trade, cultural and economic exchange, as well as economic and technological cooperation among nations are becoming more and more frequent. 在全球经济一体化趋势日见明显的当今社会,国际贸易、国际间的经济文化交流和经济技术合作日渐频繁。
As language is the communication tool between nations, the vector of culture and the important method to gain understanding, all nations are making language dissemination work in a positive way to adapt the demands of globalization and communications and cooperation among nations. 由于语言是民族间沟通交流的工具,是文化的载体,是增进了解的重要手段,所以为了顺应全球化及国家之间沟通协作的要求,各国都在积极进行语言国际推广工作。
The analyzing mode of international relations based on the position of sustainable development will help us to know the essence of the conflicts, competitions and cooperation between/ among nations as well as the basic direction of contemporary international development. 建立在可持续发展位基础上的国际关系分析模式,既有助于我们认清当代国家之间冲突、竞争与合作关系的实质,也有助于我们了解当代国际关系发展的基本方向。
The implementation of sustainable development principle needs environmental impact assessment system, clean production system, cooperation among nations and other systems. 可持续发展原则的落实离不开环境影响评价制度、清洁生产制度、国际合作等相关制度作用的发挥。